The Music Theory Advantage TM
 Quickly Learn and Remember how to Spell
The Major and Natural Minor Scales

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Max Maxwell
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Linking the Number Images to the Key / Note Images

The next step is to associate the Number Images (bun, ton, shoe, two, etc.) you learned in the last Focal Point to the Key / Note Images (fin, car, gear, die, arm, ear, bike) you learned previously. It is important to recall that the Key / Note Images always came out of the middle or end of the previous image. For example, the car burst out of the middle of the fin. The key / note images were NEVER on top of each other. To keep the Number Images visually separate, we will place them ON TOP of the Key / Note Images. This will keep both sets of images clear in your mind. Each Key / Note Image will have two Number Images on top of it. Even though the images will be easy to remember, it will still take a little practice to lock it all in your mind. You must memorize the image associations below so that you can recall them quickly and easily. As you learn the images below, notice that the first Number Image always touches the Key / Note Image. The second Number Image only touches and interacts with the first Number Image.  This visually reinforces the order of images. When you practice naming the images, always visualize them in your mind and say them in the correct order.

Every time you see the fin, you see sticks balancing on top the fin. Balancing on the sticks is a one ton weight (just call it “ton”). See the fin with the sticks balancing on top and the ton balancing on the sticks.

 fin - sticks - ton


See the image and say “fin, sticks, ton.”


Every time you see the car, even when bursting out of the fin, you see a sore van on top of the car. You can tell the van is sore because of the bandage covering a wound. On top of the sore van is another sore van. See the car with a sore van on top of it with another sore van on top again.

car  -  sore van  -  sore van

See the image and say, “car, sore van, sore van.”


Every time you see the gear, you see a bun stuck on top of it. Coming out from between the two halves of the bun is a pair of socks. See the gear with the bun on top and see the socks coming out of the bun.

gear - bun - socks

See the image and say, “gear, bun, socks.”


Every time you see the die, you see a shoe on top of the die. The shoe is kicking a hive. It is a bee hive, but just call it hive. See the die with the shoe on top kicking a hive.


See the image and say, “die, shoe, hive.”

Every time you see the arm, you see a tree growing out of the arm. Sticking in the tree is a fork. See the arm with the tree growing on it and the fork sticking in the tree. 

arm - tree - fork

See the image and say, “arm, tree, fork.”


Every time you see the ear, you see a door on top of it. Bursting out of the door is a tee. It is a golf tee but just call it “tee.” See the ear with the door on top and the tee bursting out of the door.

ear - door - tee

See the image and say, “ear, door, tee.”


Every time you see the bike, you see a fife riding on top of it. A fife is a musical instrument. The fife has a tube coming out of the mouthpiece. See the bike with the fife on top of it with the tube coming out of the fife. 

bike - fife - tube

See the image and say, “bike, fife, tube.”


How to Practice the Associated Images

To practice, you will move through the Key / Note Images one at a time in the forward order you memorized. See and say the Key / Note Image and the Number Images that are on top of it. Visualize any action that was portrayed in the images (a tee bursting through door, a shoe kicking a hive, etc.) because that helps you remember the images in their correct order. Practice visualizing the images until you can say all the associated images in the format below quickly and easily. It is important to NOT just memorize the words below. You MUST practice seeing the images, then as soon as you see an image say it. This will lock the images associations into your mind for long term storage. The end result is that you can say any Key / Note Image and quickly say the other two Number Images associated with it in the correct order. No other exercise is necessary than this practice. Do not proceed past this Lesson until you can name each Key / Note Image and correctly name the Number Images associated with it quickly and easily. Use the list below to check your answers.




fin, sticks, ton


car, sore van, sore van


gear, bun, socks


die, shoe, hive


arm, tree, fork


ear, door, tee


bike, fife, tube




You must practice exercise 3-B again before proceeding to the next Focal Point. That exercise is duplicated below. Use the answers for 3-B in the back of the book to check your accuracy. Remember that each Key / Note Image represents two major keys (one with sharps and one with flats). Fill in each blank with the two major keys represented by each Key / Note Image. First, name the major key with sharps and then name the major key with flats. Remember which two Key / Note Images had a sharp edge(s) and thus a sharp key name for keys with sharps in the key name. Remember which one major key with flats has no flat in the key name.

  Scroll down for the answers.

1. fin ____________________________    2. car ____________________________


3. gear ___________________________   4. die ____________________________


5. arm ___________________________    6. ear ____________________________


7. bike ____________________________ 


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Exercise 3-B: 1) F# Major, F Major  2) C# Major, Cb Major  3) G Major, Gb Major   

4) D Major, Db Major  5) A Major, Ab Major 6) E Major, Eb Major  7) B Major, Bb Major 


Copyright © 2008-2011 Kenneth J. Maxwell Jr.