by Max Maxwell
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This Socratic dialogue is based on conversations I had with
conservative Christian men. In those conversations, I used the Socratic Method
to explore an issue of authority. This dialogue demonstrates how to deconstruct a
controversial theological issue by moving a theological perspective into a
non-theological framework in a way that is easy going, natural and virtually
irresistible. The Kyrios Dialogue has three characters. John and Paul are
two conservative Christian men who believe the bible teaches that men have total
God-given authority, and total control, over their wives. The Socrates character
is the Socratic questioner. This Socratic dialogue will focus, in the style of
the early dialogues of Plato, on
seeking a definition of the authority that John and Paul believe they have over
their wives. As the dialogue progresses, John and Paul realize that the
theological position they value cannot be articulated in a way that makes sense
in light of these simple questions.
Paul: The preacher’s sermon was excellent today. It was an
inspiring message right out of the word of God.
Socrates: A message from God? What was the message?
Paul: He talked about an issue that is very important to the
health of families. The sermon was about the proper role of men in the home. The
preacher said that husbands have a God given authority over their families and
that wives should be submissive to their husband’s authority. He encouraged
husbands to start exercising this authority over their wives. In this way God’s
divine order and purpose for the family can be fulfilled.
Socrates: Having order and purpose in life is a fine thing, if
also come with understanding.
John: I don’t think my wife liked the sermon very much. I do not
believe she will let me exercise my authority, even if it is from God.
Paul: A lot of families are like this and it is a cause of great
spiritual harm. In my home, I am in charge. I can testify that when a man
exercises his God given authority, things are much better in the home. The Bible
tells us, as Christ is over man, so man is over woman. John, you should just
start walking in that spirit. God wants you to be the head of your family, it is
His will. He will guide you and be with you. Just take the first steps of faith
and be obedient to Him.
John: I understand and believe. It’s just hard to convince my
wife. I do believe that a husband’s headship is vital not only to the health and
well being of families, but to the whole nation. What you said, Paul, is true.
The Bible does teach that the head of man is Christ and the head of woman is
man. A husband has a God-given role of leadership over his wife. It is the
husband who is the head of the home. The wife has a role of submission to the
husband's authority.
Socrates: Are you going to try to implement this principle in your
family’s life?
John: If I am going to be obedient to God, I should try.
Socrates: If this really is an important truth we should embrace it.
But I do not know what this authority is or how it is to be employed.
John: It is a very clear Biblical teaching.
Socrates: Then I'm lucky today. Before you, I have never talked to
anyone who could explain the nature of a man’s authority over his wife. May I
ask a few questions? I would like to understand it. And you seem to be the
person to teach it to me.
John: Of course, go ahead.
Socrates: You believe that men should express leadership over their
wives. Correct?
John: Yes.
Socrates: And this leadership carries some kind of authority?
John: Absolutely. The Bible says that wives should submit to their
husbands. This most clearly shows that men have authority; and God gives this
authority. It has also been the view of the Christian church for millennia.
Socrates: For the moment I will be content just to know your view.
In regard to authority, is it not true that all authority carries the power to
make decisions? For example, a ship's captain has authority. But if the first
mate had the final say in all decisions pertaining to the ship, what would
become of the captain's authority?
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© Copyright 2008 Kenneth J. Maxwell Jr.