Sayings of a Gadfly
by Max Maxwell

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 The Gadfly said, “When you die, the only fuel for the fires of hell is the weight of your own attachment to your ego.  When we cross over that mortal threshold, what we know as our self must change as surely as the seasons must change.  Those who cling to their own egos with clenched fists shall harbor the hellish anguish of having those fists pried open.  But those souls who already yearn to grow beyond the horizons of their own fragile identities shall experience the heavenly bliss of liberation.  Once this season of your soul has passed, there is no more heaven or hell, no sinner or saint, no greater or lesser.  There is only God.  Therefore, do not wait for death.  Start the fires of hell now!   Let all attachment to ego burn on sacred pyres.  Let the fragile and cold unity of humanity warm itself by the glowing embers of the ego’s passing.  To burn in hell now is a fruit of righteousness.”

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© Copyright 2014 Kenneth J Maxwell Jr.